Q. What is the Mormon message of salvation in a nutshell? (like, two paragraphs)?
Not a fan of reading, eh? All right, I’ll do it, but you have to promise to do a little more research before you tell your friends at your next barbecue that you ‘studied’ Mormonism.
This is the very center of our beliefs —
The Gospel of Jesus Christ:
We are mortal. We will all die. We, alone, are powerless to stop it. God sent His Son, Jesus Christ to die for us on the cross; then, after three days He was resurrected. Many deceased souls were awakened from the grave at that time and were given immortal bodies. We have all been promised an eventual release from death also, all because of Jesus Christ.
We make mistakes; not just bad, embarassing choices, but often downright wicked decisions. If you haven’t ever murdered, stolen, or lied, you might be tempted to say this is a problem for other people, but consider this: Is there someone you dislike whom you treat like garbage? Do you do things in secret that you are ashamed of? Are you holding on to a long-running grudge? Do you snap at people? Just as pain is an indicator to your body that your physical body is in danger, guilt warns us when we are in (or approaching) spiritual danger, and few of us are free of guilt.
The punishment for sin is separation from God. We are powerless, on our own, to avoid this consequence. Once again, Jesus Christ provided the way out. He suffered an infinite atonement for our sins, thus making payment for the wrong moves we made (but He never made). We must choose to accept this gracious gift, and along the way start learning how to make good, holy choices. Our purpose isn’t just to fulfill a debt, but to become the sort of person Jesus is.
The start of our path is having faith in Christ. I know He loves me and will help me with the problems in my life. You can have this faith, too. Next comes repentance: turn your life away from your sins and pray for forgiveness. Then, to set out as a new beginning, covenant with God that you will be His disciple your whole life long with baptism by immersion in water. Receive the Holy Ghost after it has been conferred to you through laying on of hands, and finally, live up to your promise and seek the godly road.
This is the gospel of Jesus Christ. I realize this was double the paragraphs you had anticipated, but it’s such an important topic that you should probably read it again.