What Do Mormons Believe: Health

“Because we are created in the image of God (see Genesis 1:27), our bodies are temples and should be treated with care and respect (see 1 Corinthians 3:16–17).

“The Word of Wisdom, found in Doctrine and Covenants 89, is the Lord’s code of health and was revealed to Joseph Smith in 1833. It teaches that we should eat nutritious foods and avoid harmful substances. Apostles and prophets have since taught that we should shun all substances or practices that abuse our bodies or minds and that could lead to addiction.” 1

“Our physical bodies indeed are temples of God. Consequently, you and I must carefully consider what we take into our temple, what we put on our temple, what we do to our temple, and what we do with our temple.” 2

“Regular exercise can prepare us physically, mentally, and spiritually to function better, whether it’s in our relationships with others or in our all-important relationship with our Heavenly Father.” 3

For more information, see the Physical Health section of providentliving.org.

More from this website:

Health and the Word of Wisdom


Does Sin Cause Disease?

What Can’t Mormons Do? Part 1: The Word of Wisdom

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I love life. Life, for me, consists of my family, my religion, my hobbies, eating, sleeping etc. I live in Missouri where I am studying medicine. I joined the Army shortly after getting accepted into medical school. I have a super cute wife, a terribly adorable daughter and a stupendous son. I love running, hiking, biking, reading, writing poetry, taking pictures, eating, Photoshop, vacations, video editing, healthy food, s'mores, fires, eating, guitar, rock climbing, surfing the net, listening to music, watching movies, making fun of popular TV shows, going to school, eating, going to church, playing with my kids and going on long romantic walks with my wife. My wife, Emily, and I do everything together that we can. We love making memories in digital scrapbooks and movies.