The Mormon Secrecy Code

Question from the box: “I have a mormon friend and he doesnt like to talk about what goes on when he goes to church. Is there a secrecy code or something? Once you are a mormon can you “un-become” a mormon??”

We try to practice the teaching of Christ when he said “hold up your light that it may shine unto the world… I have commanded that none of you should go away, but rather have commanded that ye should come unto me.” Most faithful members of our church are more than willing to share their beliefs with any soul who shows even a little interest. Try letting your friend know that you really are curious, and ask specific questions. Hopefully he’ll open up.

We certainly have no secrecy code. That being said, if an experience is very sacred (e.g. temple worship), it “must be spoken with care, and by constraint of the Spirit” (D&C 63:64).

Members can be removed from the church in one of two ways. They can request that their names be removed, or they can be ex-communicated. The latter is usually due to willful disobedience of major commandments.

See also: 2 Nephi 26:27-28, Moroni 6:7-8

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I love life. Life, for me, consists of my family, my religion, my hobbies, eating, sleeping etc. I live in Missouri where I am studying medicine. I joined the Army shortly after getting accepted into medical school. I have a super cute wife, a terribly adorable daughter and a stupendous son. I love running, hiking, biking, reading, writing poetry, taking pictures, eating, Photoshop, vacations, video editing, healthy food, s'mores, fires, eating, guitar, rock climbing, surfing the net, listening to music, watching movies, making fun of popular TV shows, going to school, eating, going to church, playing with my kids and going on long romantic walks with my wife. My wife, Emily, and I do everything together that we can. We love making memories in digital scrapbooks and movies.